How to Sign In or Sign Out of Your Account


Last Update 1 年前

Signing In:

Firstly, to gain access to your account, navigate to the top-right corner of the webpage and click on the "Sign In" button. You will then be redirected to a page where you can enter your registered email address and password.

In the event that you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" link, and proceed to follow the prompts to reset it.

After inputting your credentials, click on the "Sign In" button, and you will be redirected to your account dashboard. Here, you can view your order history, track your shipments, and manage your account information.

Signing Out:

To sign out of your account, simply click on the "Sign Out" button located in the top-right corner of the webpage. This action will log you out of your account, and as a result, secure your information.

Should you experience any difficulties during the process, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team. They are available and eager to assist you in resolving any issue that may arise. Thank you for choosing our website as your preferred online shopping destination.

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