How to Track Your Order


Last Update a year ago

Step 1: Check Your Email

After placing an order with us, you should receive an email confirming your order. Once your item has been shipped, we will send you a shipping confirmation email that includes a tracking number. This number is unique to your order and will allow you to track your package as it makes its way to you. If you can't find this email, be sure to check your spam folder just in case it was filtered there.

Step 2: Go to the Tracking Page

Once you have your tracking number, you will be able to use the shipping provider's tracking page to view the status of your shipment. You can also use the order confirmation page on our website to track the status as well. To find this page, go to the order confirmation email that we sent you. You will find a link that will take you back to the order confirmation page on our website. 

Step 3: Follow Your Package

After entering your tracking number, you will see a detailed timeline of your package's journey. This includes when it was shipped, any stops along the way, and the estimated delivery date. You may also see any delivery exceptions or delays that may impact your delivery date.

Contact Customer Service

If you have any questions or concerns about your order's tracking information, don't hesitate to contact our customer service team for assistance. We're here to help you and ensure that your order arrives to you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In summary, tracking your order is easy and straightforward. Simply check your email for your tracking number, go to our tracking page, and follow your package's journey. If you have any questions, our customer service team is here to help.

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